a brand design studio for the mindful & heart-led

you are exactly where you're meant to be

Take up space      Empower each other      Stay Curious      Live your truth      Hug yourself daily      Spread love      Take up space      Empower each other      Stay Curious      Live your truth      Hug yourself daily      Spread love      Take up space      Empower each other       Stay Curious      Live your truth      Hug yourself daily      Spread love      Take up space      Empower each other      Stay Curious      Live your truth      Hug yourself daily      Spread love      

I never considered myself an entrepreneur, and I certainly never imagined I'd own a business. Initially, I didn't believe I had a compelling "story" to share. However, as I've grown and learned throughout my wellness journey, I've come to realize that I've always been exactly where I needed to be. Even during the challenging moments - like those tearful nights in my bathroom when my stress levels were super high after hearing twin babies cry all day - they were essential in shaping the person I am today. I've gained awareness of life's dualities and I'm learning to embrace every part of the journey.

I made and continue to make a conscious choice to step into my own power, believing in myself and trusting that everything will unfold as it's meant to. My wellness journey has lit a fire within me, compelling me to serve soulful women in the health and wellness space. I'm eager to help them create heart-led brands and websites, so they can share their unique magic with the world.



Everything changed when my twins came into the world. Their arrival shook me (and my husband) to the core and forced me to reassess priorities. I made the decision to quit my corporate job and stay home with my babies. It was one of the biggest decisions of my life and ended up being a huge turning point for my life and career.

It only took about 3 months for me to start spiraling. I was a burned out mama and very quickly came to the realization that I was not meant to be a stay at home mom. I felt a lot of shame and guilt around thinking, let alone saying out loud that I didn’t want to do it anymore. Not only was it super hard to be a twin mom, but I also felt super unfulfilled. I had a tough few months mentally, but I’ve always been self-growth minded, so I knew I had to work through it. I had two little ones depending on me, and I knew that in order to be the best mother I could be, I needed to prioritize my own mental health.

As I embarked on this transformational journey, something truly magical started to happen. I started to choose myself every day. There’s a sign in the bathroom at my yoga studio, “Do one thing every day that makes you happy”... and that’s exactly what I did. I wrote down all of the things that bring me joy, and I figured out how to incorporate those things into my daily life. One of those things was designing. 

I started designing random things for fun in between baby naps, but it just didn't fill that hole. There was always a little voice in the back of my head that was curious if I could start my own design business. After several weeks of journaling and sitting with myself, I knew that this was the time to try. I had been apart of marketing teams and worked closely with entrepreneurs to build brands, so I felt a confidence in being able to take my learned knowledge to build my own business. I have always been pretty organized and good with processes and management, so that part of the business didn't scare me away. I started researching how to start your own business, and took a course on how to build a profitable design business. I was hooked. 

I've been growing this brand design studio alongside growing two tiny humans, and it has taught me SO much about myself. It's been the BIGGEST self-growth journey of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I look back on my journey, I'm filled with gratitude for the incredible transformation I've experienced. Not only has choosing myself brought me to being a happier momma, a better wife and friend, but it's also inspired me to help the amazing goddesses in the health and wellness space grow profitable businesses they love. ❤

corpORATE designer turned twin mama turned brand design studio owner

NOV' 2021

my journey

Launched this design studio and discovered the passionate, entrepreneurial spirit inside myself.


Born in the golden state and will always be a free spirited Cali girl at heart.


Graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design at Mizzou, where my perspective of the world was forever changed going through art school.


Joined my high school yearbook class where my love for design sprouted.


Started my career working as a designer for a property management company & went on to get a job rebranding a large camping brand.

march 2021

Our twin chicas were born and ROCKED MY WORLD. Becoming a twin parent smacked us in the face and had me learning what self-regulating meant... asap.

JUNE 2021

ENTER MY BREAKDOWN. Learned being a SAHM wasn't in the cards for me. My true self work begins.

aligned goddesses.

An experience where           turn into



aligned goddesses.


turn into
